Monday, September 18, 2006

Who do we TRUST?

How many of us actually trust God to the fullest? We might think we do but we don't. He'll tell us to do something but if it's not convenient enough for us well we just don't do it. It's time to have Abraham's kind of trust. Abraham was willing to kill his one and only son, because God told him to do it. Wow. Could you do that? I know I would have a hard time with it. Most Christians act like they trust God in church, but when they get home it's a different life stile. We complain about not having money or that I'm always sick. We'll say that of course I've prayed about it. But ten minutes later we are complaining about the same things. We put out trust in God one minute at a time. We don't put our hole life on the line. Just our big toe. We think if I lose a little it ain't no big problem. But if I lose a lot well you get the idea. To totally trust in God means that you have to trust in Him with all your life and all your thoughts and dreams. He will become you and you will become Him. It's not going to be easy. We have a thing called the flesh. You might know him as your persuader. He convinces you to do things that you know that you shouldn't be doing. The last thing it wants you to do is to trust in God. It knows if you do that then he'll be losing it's foundation on you. To trust in God means that as soon as God tells you to say, do, go, or whatever He tells you to do. You just do it. Without thinking about it. That's all it takes. That's totally trusting in Him. Just like our own father's here on earth. When we grew up if our daddies told us something we believed them. Even though some of the things weren't the truth. We just had that much trust in our father's that they wouldn't lead us astray. Or our school teachers. If they told us how to do something we would learned it that way. We didn't argue if it was right or not. We learned 1+1=2 no questions asked. So why do we argue with God and His word. Why if He tells us to do something that we try to talk Him out of it. Let me ask you this in closing. What would happen to you if you told your dad that he was a liar? Or maybe that you didn't want to do something that he told you to do? Well I guess you would probably get into a little bit of trouble. So are you wondering why God isn't talking to you? Maybe you should start doing and instead of talking.