Tuesday, September 19, 2006

How to be FULL of Love!!!

Some people wonder how to be happy. So they look for worldly things. The more money I make the more happy I'll be. The bigger house that I have the happier I'll be. Or I'll just get an expensive car that'll make me happy. I'll just get married and that will truly make me happy. If all those things make us happy. Then why are so many people unhappy. Why are people taking depression pills. Committing suicide, and getting divorces. The big kicker is why are there so many people 100 of thousands of dollars in debt. Most people are kidding themselves. Look at the CEO's of big companies. Yes they're making a lot of money. But they don't have a family. That's because they have to work 15 hours a day to keep there job. When they could be working at McDonald's and have a family and be the most happiest person on earth. Money is the root of all evil. People kill, lie, cheat, and worship money. Thinking that true happiness is going to come from it. Money and any other worldly possessions will never make you happy. The only thing that can make you happy is the Father of love Himself our Heavenly Father God. It states it right there in the Bible God is Love, and Love is God. Which means the more you read the word of God which is love. That's right God's word is love. Why you might ask. Well if God is love, the only things that He speaks has to be love. It's that simple. His word will fill you with love. Humans can only make you happy some of the time, but God can and will make you happy all of the time. The more we get into God's word the stronger we become in God's love. Why is God's love so important? When you get into God's love which is His word then your faith gets built up. God's love will give you the power and authority to conquer all things. If you have sicknesses or financial hardships His love will make you a conqueror in these things. Remember greater is He that is within us than he who is in the world. If your going through tough storms in your life, get into God's word. Remember the story about Jesus walking on water during a storm, or even telling the winds to stop. We have that same authority and power to tell our storms in our lives the samething. Either we will walk on it like it's nothing, or we'll just tell it to leave and it will. Remember Peter went out to see Jesus on the sea. He started out just fine then he noticed the storm around him. What happened next he started to sink. Then there was Jesus reaching our His hand and lifting up Peter. If we start to sink Jesus is right there to lift us back up. The thing is if we never read our Bible how is He going to pick us back up. So let's get God's love in us. Let's start making it a point to read God's love book. The more you read it the more full of Him you will become. God Bless.