Thursday, September 28, 2006

God is Always Here!!!

It says in the Bible that God will never leave you or forsake you. He's always going to be there when you're having fun and in trouble. Even when you make mistakes He still calls you son or daughter. So why is it that we are afraid to call Him Father to the one's around us? We have a Father that is sooooo proud of us in everything that we do. Even when we mess up He is always there to give us a hug no matter what. So why are we not hugging Him back. Some people long to have a relationship that can not be broken. So why are we not longing after Him. We are so busy in our lives to even bother talking to a Father that loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die on the cross for us. It says in the Bible in the last days that our lives are going to get busier and busier. That's no shock to God because it's written in the good book. That does not give us an excuse not to talk and love Him back. All God wants is for us to give Him our all. To do the things that He wants us to do. Just like any parent wants. He wants the best for our lives. But we fight tooth and nails to do our own things and do them our way. To find out that our ways are not the right ones. To find out that we really messed things up. The thing is. He's right there waiting with His arms opened up to give us a big hug. I think it's time that we start to treat God as a real Father. When kids grow up they try there hardest to impress there Father's. It's time for us to impress our Heavenly Father. When we seek after His ways great things will happen. We will have peace, health, wisdom, knowledge, and finances. These things will follow when we follow Him. So instead of watching that TV or spending time do nothing. Stop what you're doing and start talking to God as your Father. He's been waiting for that conversation from you. He wants you and only you. Give Him your all and blessings will follow. When you give him your all that means that you are giving up your thoughts, wants, knowledge, and plans. Because when you give up your life to God then God will give His thoughts, His wants, His knowledge, and His plans for you life. Also all of you that wanted people to pray for. We are going to keep praying for you until we hear a praise report. If any need any prayer here after. Just leave a comment and us Christian bloggers will pray for you and God will heal you. God Bless.