Monday, October 30, 2006


I hear people saying they wish that there church will have a revival. Some say they pray all the time for a revival in there church. Let me ask you something? Maybe God is waiting for you to stand up. Maybe He's waiting for you to do the things He's said you to do. Instead you would rather pray for someone else to do it. It's easier that way. You can stay comfortable in your lazy boy while someone else is doing the work. That is totally wrong. How can God move when the people of the church don't want to stand out and do what God is telling them what to do. How can God honor a church that is asleep and lazy? He can't. You'll be waiting a long time for that revival because it won't be coming soon. It's time for us Christians to get out of our comfort zones. It's time that we take back what the devil has stolen. The devil has taken so much from you that you don't even know. Let see what he has stolen while you were sleeping. Have you been sick? Have you been watching trash on TV? Maybe you have succumbed to the curse words on TV seeing that there nothing wrong with it. Maybe you watch TV shows that have gays and lesbians in them and see nothing wrong with it. You only open your bible on Sundays if you're lucky! Some of you don't even know where your bible is! I could keep going and going. What are we doing. We are living our lives that we have a life time to get close to God and read the Bible. Let me tell you this. You could be reading this and the rapture might happen. Or maybe your watching a bad TV show or going to a bad movie when the rapture happens. The next thing you know your staring God right in His eyes. What are you going to say then. We have all forgotten that Jesus lives within us. So what ever we do Jesus sees us doing it. It's time to get on fire for God. It's time for us to start expecting things to happen. If you haven't read your Bible for a while start reading in Acts. The things they did we will do also. They had a fear of God. They would rather die for God then not stand up for Him. When is the last time you've done that. It's time to get on our knees in prayer. Not just saying words, but confessing those things and standing on those things. We need to praise God like no other time in our lives. When we seeing we need not care who is standing next to us. But our whole consideration needs to be on God and God alone. When we worship Him we need to mean the words we sing. We need to start loving Him like our Heavenly Father and not some god that is no where to be seen. He's everywhere you go. So start acting like it. You are the person that God has been waiting for to stand up. He's been waiting for you to get into His word. He's been waiting for you to praise Him with your whole heart. He's been waiting for you to be praying with boldness. He's been waiting for you to start the revival.