Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Every Day

Every day we need to give God the glory and praise. God tells us to rejoice and be glad. To give God glory in all things. God has made everyday so we need to rejoice in it. When we wake up in the morning the first thing that should come out of our mouths should be praise to God. When you give a simple praise to God then your day is flowing in God. If you wake up with a bad attitude then that attitude will stay with you the rest of your day. If you start with a Godly attitude then your day will be full of happiness. I'm not gonna say that you won't have trials through out the day. But God will give you victory in those things. When we start glorifying God and giving Him thanks. Then your attitude will be of thankfulness and giving. Is it easy nope. The devil doesn't want you happy and he sure doesn't want you giving. If he can get you to be angry or not loving and if he can get you to be greedy then what kind of a Godly walk can you have. This is why America is in a state of confusion. They have been taught to think for themselves. To help yourself first then everyone else second. That's why Americans thrive after money. They just want more and more. Then giving more and more. The true happiness and the true reward is through giving. It says in the bible not to let your left and know what your right hand is doing. That means not to think but just act. If you think about what you are about to do then your flesh and your brain get in the way. If God tells you to do it. Then do it before you let your flesh get in the way. So throughout the day. Find ways to help and serve when you don't have to. Don't look at your selves but look at those around you that you can help. Throughout the day give God the glory in all things. The air you breath down to the ground you walk on. Give God the glory and praise for those things.