Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Breast Plate of Righteousness

Wow what a busy time of season. Just get a break around here. The snow is melting pretty fast around here. I should say the lack of snow that we had this year. Does sound like we're going to have a snow storm coming this way by the end of the week. So we'll have to see if the weather people can actually be right for once. Must be nice to have a job like that. You're actually paid to be right half the time. Well today I'm going to be talking a little bit on the breast plate of righteousness. Now in the Roman times when a person got a new breast plate for being a soldier. It was dull medal. It usually had the kings symbol on it. The thing is that the more they wore it the shinier it got. The medal would rub together and start making it smooth and shiny. Sort of like a chrome bumper on a car. In war time it worked to there advantage. There breast plates would actually blind the adversaries when the sun hit it just right. Causing them to defeat there foe. So when we talk about the breast plate of righteousness picture this. When you get saved your breast plate isn't the shinny. The more you put it on and use it. The shinier it gets. The easier it becomes to defeat your enemies. The word righteous means to be right standing with God. Meaning that you have to be doing the word of God. You can't be living your life the way you want to be. Or doing the things that you want to do. You have to be doing the things that God wants you to be doing and following His commandments. What does the breast plate cover? It covers your heart. Which means we have to protect things that go to our heart. Which is offense, hatred, dislikes, pride, and so on. When we have the breast plate on then these things can not enter into our heart. The word even says whatever is in your heart the mouth speaks. You can tell by a persons conversation if they are right standing with God or not. If all they do is complain or say ungodly things then there heart isn't right. It also states in the Bible that we need to love our neighbor as our selves. We can't do that unless we already have a pure heart. It's hard to love a neighbor that is always swearing at you unless you are righteous in God's eyes. Because when you are righteous then you have the love of God in your heart and you'll be able to conquer all things. This is one of the main peaces of armor that people don't put on. This is one of the most areas that the devil tries to attack in people. He knows if your heart is rotten then you won't be able to do what God wants you to do. So get right with God. Forgive those people that persecute you. Start loving everyone like we are supposed to. Then you will notice what God's love really can do. His love can move mountains that you could never imagine. So let's be in right standing with God, and let's not let the devil take our heart from us. Let's walk in love just like God commanded us to do. God Bless.