Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A night on the Plantation

Well I won't be getting into the Armor of God today. I will be telling you of how exciting my night went last night. Well when I got off from work I met my wife Kari and my son Jacob in Royalton. They were going to follow me to an individuals house to look at some puppies that he was getting rid of. Well we ended up getting one of the puppies. It was cheap enough that a man couldn't pass it up. The puppy is a mixture of 3 dogs. He's black lab, German Shepherd, and Springer Spaniel. The interesting thing with our dog is it's color. The body is all white with a couple of small black dots here and there. His head is all black. Can't even see the eyes. Now I'm not trying to top Tom's dog. We just needed a big dog for protection for my wife and kids. We've had a few burglaries in our area. Plus the price you just couldn't beat. Well that wasn't all the excitement for the night though. When we got home the wife made biscuits and gravy my favorite. So I put the new pup who is called Max into our bedroom inside a box. Well he started to whimper up a storm. Thought that all the windows were going to break. While sitting at the dinner table trying to ignore the howling. I look over at my son and his eyes were getting puffy and his lip was going out. I asked him if he was going to cry. With a whispering voice he said no daddy. Still with his big crying lip hanging out. So then I look over at my wife and there she was crying up a storm. Those pregnancy hormones will get you every time. She was crying because Jacob was about to cry. So here I'm trying to eat my most favorite meal and I can't even enjoy it. So I had a stern talk with the pooch. Telling him that he just needed to be quite so I could eat my meal. He did pipe down and I was able to finish the meal. The cool part about this dog is that he was raised outside. So he's used to going to the bathroom outside. We didn't even have to potty train the dog he was already done. He whimpers or goes to the door when he needs to go outside to do his business. Well after sup. Max wanted to go do his business. So I took him outside to do his thing. Well when I came back I saw something at the corner of my eye. Something was standing in between the garage and the house. Well it finally sinked in when I got to the front door what it was. It was a calf. Some how it had broken through the electric fence looking for its mama. Well I take off to the neighbors house to let him know that his calf is running loose. Just to find out that no one is living at that house. It's under construction. So I go to his neighbor. They new were he was staying and gave him a call. So he came over we introduced ourselves and on the way he went to get his calf on his land again. He just took the calf away from his mama this week. The calf didn't like that decision and wanted to get back together with his mom to get some of the fresh warm milk. Well then it was a night of loaning moaning from Max who was missing his brothers and sisters and his mom. So needless to say that I only got about 5 hours of sleep last night. I even think that's stretching it. Well everyone have a great day. Chow