Are you LOVE'N it?
Have you ever just stop to think how much God really loves you. I mean He sent His only Son to die for us. He knew that His Son would have to endure great pain and suffering. Just think we have right now over 6 billion people here one earth. Jesus took on all 6 billion people sins at one time. Not only the ones alive now. Also the ones that have died and the ones yet to be born. That is a lot. Not only that when Jesus was tempted He had to be tempted of all things that we get tempted on. All those temptations happened in just 40 day. Now that's crazy. To think that Jesus was hit, spit upon, whipped, nailed, thorns on his head, and cursed at. All he had to say to His Father was "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." Man if that isn't love I don't know what is. See Jesus reflects God in every way. So if Jesus is full of love and compassion then our Heavenly Father is to. So if God loves us so much can't we love Him back. I mean every time you do something wrong. He's there to love on you. Whens the last time someone did something wrong to you and you just loved on them back. Our first response is anger. Then comes offense and gossip or even a fight. Over what? Pretty much nothing. Now just imagine how much you could have accomplished if you just showed love back. Ever been to a restaurant were the waitress or waiter was really grumpy or mad. You know the ones that never refilled your soda or you just never saw until you were done when they handed you the bill. How did you reward them. By giving them no tip or just a real small one. How would you like it. If your work would rate you on your happiness every time you came into work. How many of us would get a small check for the week. A person told me once a story about a waitress. This person had one of the bad ones one day. Said that she never refilled there sodas after they asked her to and there food came cold. She gave them short answers and was a little rude to them. When it came to pay for there meal he gave her a 20.00 tip. When she saw this she asked him why is he so generous. She says that she knows that she wasn't really friendly to them. She went on to say that her 2 year old son was just diagnosed with cancer. She said that she didn't know what she was going to do. She was a single mom that didn't make much. Well this man was a pretty well off business man who helped her and her son get the right treatments. Well it had a good ending right. Well what would have happened if he treated her like the rest. You never know what the person is going through. If a co-worker just yells at you for no reason. You don't know what they're going through. That's why Jesus said love your neighbor like you do yourself. Why did He say this. Because He knew that we like to treat ourselves with respect. We also need to treat others with this same love. Some day you might be able to help someone like this other gentleman. If you don't get mad that is. Also what kind of a Godly influence are you making when you act like the rest of the world. God said to love everyone. He didn't say it's all right to get mad at them from time to time. Didn't He say you have to forgive them 70x7. That's just one days worth. So let's just remember how much God loves us and let's show that same kind of love to everyone else.
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