Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Are you who you say you are?

Isn't that an interesting question. Are you who you say you are? Just think about that. Many people people claim to be born again, but never step foot in a church. Many people say they are saved, but live a life like a sinner. So who are you? Are you saved or not? Only God will tell in the day of judgement. Let me ask you this? Some might say well I am saved and I don't do those things. I go to church every week and I live a christian life. Ok here's a little test on how your christian life is. When you go to a movie do you get up and leave when you hear swear words or see some nudity? Do you let people know at work that you don't like that kind of language or jokes? When you are at home on the Internet and pop up comes on with a half naked person. Do you keep looking or click on that search engine? Do you tell your kids to do one thing and you do the opposite? Did you know everything you do you will be accountable for it. I mean everything. Let say you swear in front of your kids or you don't turn a movie off because of swearing or nudity and your kids see that. Then they grow up thinking that it's ok. When you die and stand before Jesus. You will be judged for teaching your kids to sin. That's why it's important to not just live, but teach a christian life to you family and friends. The sad thing is that most people don't really care anymore. Let's live for the now. I'm saved so I'm going to live my life and when I get older I'll do what God wants me to do. If that is your attitude well I will tell you that you are not saved and if you would die right now you would be going to hell. To be saved is to turn away from the old and go into the new. To turn away from all sins. To a live a life of Christ. Let me ask you this. If you went through a week walking with Jesus how much of the week would you change. Would you stopping swearing when you got mad?Would you watch the TV shows that you watch now? Would you treat your spouse and kids the same way? Would you complain at work? The list could go on and on. The truth is that all of us would stop doing something. We are not perfect in any way, but the difference is that we need to improve in our faults and change them so we don't keep doing them. We have to remember the Jesus is with us everyday and He is watching all the time. We need to start fearing God like they did in the bible. Just like in Acts when a husband and wife die because they didn't give all the money to the church. What struck me with that story was that it didn't seem out of the ordinary. You didn't hear them in a panic. They actually had people there to pick up the dead. How long would you last today if God would put that kind of judgement on the church? Some wouldn't last 1 minute. We need to start making a decision. Who's life are we going to live? God's or your own. If you live God's life you will eat the fruit of the land. If you go your own way. Well you'll have sickness, hardships, and an early death. We need to start living the life that God wants us to live. Don't hide behind excuses and pressures. Start standing out and you'll see the crowds that will follow you. People are hungry for the truth. All they need is for someone to tell them. Some said this and I can't remember who. They said that 80 percent of people would go to church with a friend or family member if they were asked to. Now the decision is yours. Are you who you say you are?