Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Howdy everyone in Blogville!

Sorry I haven't written in a while. Been busy with the baby and the new hobby farm. The baby is doing great. She weigh's over 8lbs. She has a lot of the baby fat wrinkles. Since the last time I wrote we've had a baby and we've gotten 100 hundred chickens, we have 35 turkeys that are on there way. We also planted over 400 seeds of corn, 50 starwberry plants(25 are on there way), about 14 tomato plants, 8 cucumbers, 4 muskmelons, 4 canteloups, 9 jalepeno peppers, 4 green peppers, 8 watermelons, 6 zuchini, 4 dills, 4 brasils, 100 radish, 25 carrots, 30 sweet peas, 5 green beans, 50 potatoes, and 200 hundred onions. Hopefully I didn't leave anything out. If I did I'll let you know later. So the hobby farm is on it's way. The turkey's that I got were 15 white turkey's then 20 narragansett turkey's. The N turkey's reproduce on there own. That I won't have to keep buying more and more turkey's every year. So I had to build a workable chicken barn out of one of my sheds. I also had to build a turkey shed that would be to there likings. Along with raising a family and having 2 jobs. God will truly give you strength and energy when you need it. Then in about 3 weeks I'll be traveling through Janice's country to get to Oklahoma. Where I'll be going to a Bible conference for 4 days. While I'm there I'll also be getting ordained. So just the beginning of a busy summer for me. Almost forgot I've been helping out with the float at our church to get that ready for the Memorial Day Parade. Well all I know is that God is good and He's always in the driver seat. If tells me to do something I'm going to do it no matter how big it might look. He'll give me the time and the energy to get it done. Through all the building and planting I've still had a little bit of free time with the fam. God bless you all. Talk to you guys later. Chow