How time flies!
Wow time has flown by. It's hard to believe that it's almost Fall. I know some of you are probably wondering why I had to bring that up. The thing is it's true. Summer has flown by this year. Maybe it's because it's been so dry this year. Not sure. It has just flown by. Just pondering on the thought of how quick this summer has been. Just imagine in Heaven time is like at a stand still. When you think about it 1 day here is like a few seconds in Heaven. A few seconds. Man that would be nice right now. I would be able to do all things I need to do and still have time left over. That sure would be nice. But it ain't going to happen here on earth. Just think when you get to heaven how much time you will have on your hands. Corn would be grown with in a few seconds. Farmers would love that. You could sit down to eat a meal for a few seconds and would have taken you a year to eat the same amount. Crazy I know. Now this is cool. I think time in Heaven is so different because when you praise God and your in His presence time is just at a stand still. Just think here on earth when you get into the presence of God on how time flies by but it just seems a few minutes. Even when you pray and you get into God's presence and you think you have only prayed for 5 to 10 minutes and it's been an hour. For me I think time in Heaven is so long because when you are consumed in God's presence it takes more time to soak in what God is. Just think you will be able to soak in God's love, joy, peace, faith, and wisdom. Don't you think that would take a while. Don't forget though people are wondering why Jesus hasn't come back yet or this is the year that the rapture is going to happen. It's only been 2 days since Jesus went to Heaven on Heaven time that is. So there still parting with Jesus in His return. No one will know when it's going to happen until it happens. We are supposed to live a life that reflects that the rapture could happen at any second. That's why it's always important to forgive and forget not to hold offenses and to live a Godly life. God bless you all. Have a great weekend.