Thursday, January 10, 2008

I moved.

Ok I moved just like Tom did. I did find that the other site has more to offer. It's also a little easier. So this it my new blog:http: The Real Life of a Pastor Well I guess I'll see you all over their. Chow

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Just wanted to let you all know all what's going on. Well I'm working at Metro Bus now. Driving the big city buses. It's been a fun challenge. Lot's of hours. Besides that Kari and the kids are doing great. Both kids are growing rapidly. Jacob is in pre-school and Gracie is learning how to stand and in the near future walking. The goats are doing great. They are pretty spoiled goats. The chickens are doing great. We are getting almost 2 dozen eggs everyday. Which is good since we can't keep the eggs in the fridge. So the egg selling business is going great. Well that's it for now about the family. Well I'll write more later.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Where's your Faith?

Where's your faith at? Are you a person that needs people to always pray for you for your health or problems? Or are your a person that they think they have a lot of faith until something arises and find out that you are in a world of hurt? Or you do have faith in somethings and not others? Have you ever wondered how to get that faith stronger or even tried to get it stronger to find out that it didn't get it stronger? Well you are not alone. The thing to remember is. If you don't read your bible you won't ever have strong faith. So if you are not reading get to the reading. I right now am reading 3 different books in the Bible. Psalms which is good to start the day learning how to praise God. I'm also in Ecclesiastes and Matthews. Whatever you feel comfortable reading you just need to read. How are you going to get close to your Father if you are not willing to learn about Him. Also when you build your faith it's not you doing it. It's God building it through His word. Now we are almost there. The important thing about faith is "DON'T BE MOVED BY WHAT YOU SEE". Just because you are using you faith in an area does not mean that it's going to happen right then. It might happen right then and it might not. Faith is fun. Because the more you use it the closer you get to God and you are able to see God move through the situation. The reason you have to read your Bible to gain faith is simple. Let's say you never went to school and you never heard a person talk in your family. How is your speech going to be? Well you might get some words but in whole your vocabulary will not be to much. The same thing happens when you don't read your Bible. If you don't read your Bible how are you going to stand against the devil when you have no clue on what God's word says about the situation. See the more you read the more you understand what authority you have with God, and the more scare the devil becomes. It's like when you were younger and were learning how to read and speak. It took a while and some studying to learn those words. You learned how to say them and how to use them. The same way is with God's word. The more you read it and the more you study the more it becomes you. The cool thing is when you have strong faith you believe what you need and that is it. You don't think about it again. Because that is it. You also have to remember not to use you mind when it comes to faith. Faith is a spiritual thing not a mental thing. Which means when you use faith things happen in the spiritual realm before you even see anything happening in the human realm. Sometimes it happens as soon as you pray it. Other times it could take days or months. The big thing is don't let the devil tell you other wise. As soon as you get done standing on your faith the devil is going to come and tell you it's not going to happen. Don't listen to him. He's a liar and a thief. He wants to steal what is not his. Just tell him were to stick it. So let your faith be strong and let's take it to the devil.

Thursday, January 03, 2008


Wow how time has flown by. Well it looks like we found an Internet service out in this neck of the woods after all. Lot's of things have been happening since I've been gone. All I know is that God has shown Himself over and over again. Well I'll write more later. God bless you all talk more later.