Friday, May 25, 2007

It's almost the weekend!

Friday has fallen upon us again. This is a little sweeter Friday though. Come Monday I don't have to go back to work. It's going to be a nice 3 day weekend. On Monday we are going to have the kids in the Memorial Day parade in our area. They're going to perform God Bless America in a puppet form. And for me. I get to dress up as a monkey and pass out candy. I know the thoughts that are probably going through your mind. Just keep them under control. The other night I was reading some of Smith's Wigglesworth sermons. It's actually a book that contains almost all of his sermons. I would say it's about 3-4 inches thick. I just made me think of all the preachers of old. They were all so bold in the way they did things. They did things because God told them to do it and they didn't care what people might say or do. Smith W. used to punch people for healing, because that's what God told him to do. How many of us would do that? Or walk into a funeral were you know no one and tell everyone to leave. Drag the body out of the coffin and raise them from the dead, over 100 times. How many of us would go that's crazy God you want me to do what. The people would kick me out of there or that is way out there God. There's no way I could do that. Those few statements I just made will show the true character of a person. The statements keep repeating I or me. See God doesn't want us to think about ourselves. We all know when we think about ourselves we usually end up in trouble some how. God wants us to think on Him and only Him and our lives would truly be amazing. The preachers from the past didn't join the ministry on fire and ready to go. They had to make the same steps as we do. Smith W. would start preaching a sermon and mid way through it. If he thought he was bombing the sermon he would go sit down. That was in front of big crowds. He even had to over come barriers. The thing is these people in the past. Over came there barriers and became very powerful men and women of God. They had to start with the number one barrier and that was themselves. They had to get out of the I and me mode and get into the God mode. Selfishness is the root of all evils. So let's start walking in the them, and not the me. The next time you do something don't do what you want to do, but do what they want to do. The Bible tells us to be like Christ. I never once heard Jesus say, this is what I want to do. Nope I don't' feel like helping you today, or know I'm not going to give a little extra effort or money to you today. No Jesus died on the cross for us. He healed all that needed healing. He even taught the disciples all the way up to the day He was going to be crucified. He always put more into what He taught and what He gave, because He was a servant like we should be. Let's get that servant's heart, and let's drop our selfish ones. Everyone have a great weekend. We'll talk to you all on Tuesday. Happy Memorial Day to all the veterans that passed away and are still living. Thanks for being servants to our country so we could have the freedom of today. God Bless.