Tuesday, June 05, 2007

God is soooooo GOOD!

God is so good. The other day on the way home from work I was talking to God about somethings. One of those things was that I wanted some extra money for the chicks and turkeys. That way I have a budget started already for there food and supplies. I never prayed for it just asked Him like a son would to his father. Well yesterday at work I met some people for lunch. When I sat down to eat they handed me an envelope. When I opened the envelope there was a check in there for $500.00. I was pretty much standing beside myself. God is so great. He knew what my desire was and He met it above and beyond. Now the chicks and turkeys have a food account with money already in it. It's amazing how God works. He just keeps suppling over and over again. Never give up on talking to God or praying to Him. He hears every word that you say. As soon as you get done talking the answer is coming. You all have a great day. Chow.