Monday, October 02, 2006

In the Beginning

In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. So if God's word has always been and always was. God can not lie. Then why do we fight against it. Why don't we obey it. It's because our flesh doesn't want us to. God never told us that following His word was going to be easy. Even His only Son had to endure temptations. So we just need to believe and do what His word says. Remember greater is He that lives within us. Jesus already defeated the devil. If Jesus didn't listen to the temptations we don't either. We have victory in all things. It's time for us to develop a defeating attitude. That we are victorious in everything that we do. That we are smart and we will never have a can't attitude. Look at Jesus everything He had to endure. Feeding the five thousand, healing the sick, walking on water, telling the storm to stop, telling the fig tree to wither away. Plus many more. You didn't hear Him say well I don't know. God maybe you can ask someone else. You want me to do what are you crazy God. No you never heard Him say any of those things. He had an I can and I will do attitude. Whatever God told Him to do He did it. No matter what the circumstances would be. It even was to death back to life. So why are we living a life that we choose to believe when we want to. When it benefits us. Or when we are in a time of need. That's what the devil wants. He doesn't want us to get strong in God's word. He doesn't want us to do the will of God and follow God's word. He already know what happens when we follow the word of God. It happened 2000 years ago. When Jesus went to hell and defeated him. It's time for us to have a victorious attitude. Let's give the devil what he deserves. Let's do what God is telling us to do not worrying about what people are going to say or think. Let's do what God tells us to do knowing that we are going to be victorious in all things. Let's stick it to the devil. Let's tell him that we are not going to listen to his lies anymore. The word of God tells us that we are mighty, we can heal the sick, we can do all things and that we are able to do greater and mightier things that Jesus has ever done. We need to have that kind of thinking in our heads and stand on it. When God tells us to jump we need to jump, when God tells us to speak, speak. When God tells us to heal, heal. When God tells us to save, save. Don't think about just do it. The more you think the more your flesh will tell you to do the opposite. Don't think just act and see the miracles that will happen. On a lighter subject. I hear people say that they are ugly. That God must have made a mistake. Look at this picture. Tell me that you are ugly. You can't. Compare to this picture you are unbelievable beautiful. Remember God doesn't make mistakes. Even in this picture He didn't make a mistake as ugly as this dog is. God made it for a purpose. To let us know how wonderfully made we are. God Bless.