Helmet of Salvation
Today we are going to talk about the Helmet of Salvation. You get this helmet when you get saved. Now we have to remember over and over again that the Armor of God just doesn't automatically get put on everyday. You have to put it on. You have to choose to were the armor or not. So the helmet of salvation doesn't get put on every time you wake up. You have to put it on. You have to choose if you are going to walk a christian lifestyle that day or not. Remember God can't make you do anything. So the helmet of salvation is a choice that you have to make everyday. Don't read into this though. Once you are saved you are always saved. The only thing is are you going to walk a Godly lifestyle or not. The helmet in the Roman times was a beautiful thing. It showed your rank and your authority when worn for parades. Same with our helmet. The more you live a life for Christ the more rank you get the more beautiful your helmet becomes. That helmet is shown in the spiritual realm. When the devil tries to tempt you in certain ways he sees how much authority you have. That's why it's important to read God's word. The more knowledge you get of God the more authority you have. We also have a physical helmet that we put on. That's our lifestyles that we live. The way we talk, walk, work, and our behavior's. We are not supposed to live a life of the world. When we do our helmet becomes tarnished in a sense. People can't tell if you are a christian or a sinner. When we have the helmet of salvation on people will recognize that we are different and the we are walking the life of Christ. Will have an essence around us that people will notice. Also when we have the helmet of salvation on it's also blocking something? That's right you mind. It cover your ears from ungodly thoughts and temptations. When you have it on the devil won't be able to convince you of things that are not of God. If you get sick or are just having a bad day. You might want to see if your helmet is on all the way. When you have it on the God is in control of your mind. Remember it's your choice to put the helmet on or off. It's time for us to start putting these things on and keeping the on. Not just putting them on when we are around Christians but having it on all the time. When you wear it all the time then you will be on fire for God. Because it will be His word and thoughts entering in and not the world's. Remember it say's in God's word that he would rather you be Hot or cold for him. He doesn't like luke warm Christians. So let's be so on fire that people will know who we are in Christ. God bless you all on this great Monday. Chow.