Thursday, February 22, 2007

Prayer's needed for President Bush

Some people have way to much time on there hands. There's a group of people attacking president Bush's belief in Christ. We need to stand behind our president in his faith and in prayer. This is the article about these people attacking our president.

Atheist Group Takes on Bush InitiativeThursday, February 22, 2007 4:20 AM ESTThe Associated PressBy RYAN J. FOLEY
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Annie Laurie Gaylor speaks with a soft voice, but her message catches attention: Keep God out of government.
Gaylor has helped transform the Freedom From Religion Foundation from obscurity into the nation's largest group of atheists and agnostics, with a fast-rising membership and increasing legal clout.
Next week, the group started by Gaylor and her mother in the 1970s to take on the religious right will fight its most high-profile battle when the U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments on its lawsuit against President Bush's faith-based initiative.
The court will decide whether taxpayers can sue over federal funding that the foundation believes promotes religion. It could be a major ruling for groups that fight to keep church and state separate.
"What's at stake is the right to challenge the establishment of religion by the government," Gaylor said.
The 51-year-old once donned a nun's habit as a college student in 1977 to protest a judge who blamed rape on women who wear provocative clothing.
She uses different tactics these days, though her activism remains strong.
Among its victories, the group has stopped funding for a Milwaukee charity that Bush visited during the 2000 campaign and an Arizona group that preached to children of prisoners.
The case in front of the high court claims White House conferences to promote the faith-based initiative turn into unconstitutional pep rallies for religion.
The initiative helps religious organizations get government funding to provide social services.
George Washington University law professor Ira Lupu called the Madison-based foundation "by far the most aggressive litigating entity against the faith-based initiative."
"When they can prove there's religious content in those programs, they've been quite successful and they've won a few cases," Lupu said. "When they've tried to go after the initiative as a whole, they've been less successful."
Critics say the group imposes such an extreme view of the First Amendment that religious groups can't receive tax dollars for even laudable purposes.
"They are successful in the sense that they have disrupted government funding for faith-based initiatives," said Jordan Lorence of the Alliance Defense Fund, which defends religion in the public arena. "But real people with real problems are no longer getting help because of some of their lawsuits."
The group has grown as its legal challenges mount. It claims 8,500 members in 50 states, with the most coming from California, after adding a record 400 in December.
Members consider themselves freethinkers who form opinions based on reason, not faith.
Gaylor is hoping an advertising campaign on progressive talk radio, the Internet and in liberal magazines helps the group reach 10,000 members this year.
She and husband Dan Barker, a former fundamentalist minister who turned against religion, are co-presidents. Her mother, Anne Nicol Gaylor, founded the group in 1978 to counter religious influence in government after clashing with religious leaders over abortion.

We not only need to be praying for the president, but we also need to be praying for the people that are supporting this group. We need to pray that there eyes will be opened to the real truth's that there is a God that loves them. That what they're doing is wrong and that they'll be saved. God can do all things! We need to pray for our country that we move closer to God. That Christians will start standing up for what the believe just like our President. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Breast Plate of Righteousness

Wow what a busy time of season. Just get a break around here. The snow is melting pretty fast around here. I should say the lack of snow that we had this year. Does sound like we're going to have a snow storm coming this way by the end of the week. So we'll have to see if the weather people can actually be right for once. Must be nice to have a job like that. You're actually paid to be right half the time. Well today I'm going to be talking a little bit on the breast plate of righteousness. Now in the Roman times when a person got a new breast plate for being a soldier. It was dull medal. It usually had the kings symbol on it. The thing is that the more they wore it the shinier it got. The medal would rub together and start making it smooth and shiny. Sort of like a chrome bumper on a car. In war time it worked to there advantage. There breast plates would actually blind the adversaries when the sun hit it just right. Causing them to defeat there foe. So when we talk about the breast plate of righteousness picture this. When you get saved your breast plate isn't the shinny. The more you put it on and use it. The shinier it gets. The easier it becomes to defeat your enemies. The word righteous means to be right standing with God. Meaning that you have to be doing the word of God. You can't be living your life the way you want to be. Or doing the things that you want to do. You have to be doing the things that God wants you to be doing and following His commandments. What does the breast plate cover? It covers your heart. Which means we have to protect things that go to our heart. Which is offense, hatred, dislikes, pride, and so on. When we have the breast plate on then these things can not enter into our heart. The word even says whatever is in your heart the mouth speaks. You can tell by a persons conversation if they are right standing with God or not. If all they do is complain or say ungodly things then there heart isn't right. It also states in the Bible that we need to love our neighbor as our selves. We can't do that unless we already have a pure heart. It's hard to love a neighbor that is always swearing at you unless you are righteous in God's eyes. Because when you are righteous then you have the love of God in your heart and you'll be able to conquer all things. This is one of the main peaces of armor that people don't put on. This is one of the most areas that the devil tries to attack in people. He knows if your heart is rotten then you won't be able to do what God wants you to do. So get right with God. Forgive those people that persecute you. Start loving everyone like we are supposed to. Then you will notice what God's love really can do. His love can move mountains that you could never imagine. So let's be in right standing with God, and let's not let the devil take our heart from us. Let's walk in love just like God commanded us to do. God Bless.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A night on the Plantation

Well I won't be getting into the Armor of God today. I will be telling you of how exciting my night went last night. Well when I got off from work I met my wife Kari and my son Jacob in Royalton. They were going to follow me to an individuals house to look at some puppies that he was getting rid of. Well we ended up getting one of the puppies. It was cheap enough that a man couldn't pass it up. The puppy is a mixture of 3 dogs. He's black lab, German Shepherd, and Springer Spaniel. The interesting thing with our dog is it's color. The body is all white with a couple of small black dots here and there. His head is all black. Can't even see the eyes. Now I'm not trying to top Tom's dog. We just needed a big dog for protection for my wife and kids. We've had a few burglaries in our area. Plus the price you just couldn't beat. Well that wasn't all the excitement for the night though. When we got home the wife made biscuits and gravy my favorite. So I put the new pup who is called Max into our bedroom inside a box. Well he started to whimper up a storm. Thought that all the windows were going to break. While sitting at the dinner table trying to ignore the howling. I look over at my son and his eyes were getting puffy and his lip was going out. I asked him if he was going to cry. With a whispering voice he said no daddy. Still with his big crying lip hanging out. So then I look over at my wife and there she was crying up a storm. Those pregnancy hormones will get you every time. She was crying because Jacob was about to cry. So here I'm trying to eat my most favorite meal and I can't even enjoy it. So I had a stern talk with the pooch. Telling him that he just needed to be quite so I could eat my meal. He did pipe down and I was able to finish the meal. The cool part about this dog is that he was raised outside. So he's used to going to the bathroom outside. We didn't even have to potty train the dog he was already done. He whimpers or goes to the door when he needs to go outside to do his business. Well after sup. Max wanted to go do his business. So I took him outside to do his thing. Well when I came back I saw something at the corner of my eye. Something was standing in between the garage and the house. Well it finally sinked in when I got to the front door what it was. It was a calf. Some how it had broken through the electric fence looking for its mama. Well I take off to the neighbors house to let him know that his calf is running loose. Just to find out that no one is living at that house. It's under construction. So I go to his neighbor. They new were he was staying and gave him a call. So he came over we introduced ourselves and on the way he went to get his calf on his land again. He just took the calf away from his mama this week. The calf didn't like that decision and wanted to get back together with his mom to get some of the fresh warm milk. Well then it was a night of loaning moaning from Max who was missing his brothers and sisters and his mom. So needless to say that I only got about 5 hours of sleep last night. I even think that's stretching it. Well everyone have a great day. Chow

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Shield of Faith

Shield of Faith
Today I'm going to talk about the shield of Faith. Most people think that this shield is small and fancy. Since all movies portray the shield is small and shinny and fancy. Something that can be used to whack the enemy with. Well the real shield isn't like that. The shield that is in the Bible is huge. I mean it's huge!!! It's the size of a door. Literally the size of a door. Something that you can hide behind and no one will know that you are there. It is that big. Now when we use of shield of Faith. The devil can't harm us. When a group of believers use the shield then you have a hedge of protection. Where nothing can come in. Just imagine the devil can not harm you at all when you use your faith. Your shield is sooooo big that the devil can't tell who he's up against. All he can see is the shield. Now on there shields they have logo's. To whom they are fighting for. On our shield we have God's label. The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. When the devil sees your shield he knows what he is up against. He knows that if he messes with you, he's going to be messing with God. Now just like every part of the armor you have to grab your shield everyday. It just doesn't come with you. You have to grab it. You grab your shield be reading God's word and standing on His word everyday in every way. If you get sick you need to see if you're shield is up or down. Some people don't use there faith until something happens. Well then it's to late. The enemy has already gotten by your shield. Can't really defend them off if they are already by. That's why everyday we have to be walking in Faith. Confessing healing and what ever you want to confess that it's coming forth. Even though you might not need it that day. Keep confessing it. If you are thanking God everyday that His healing power is moving through you then you won't get sick. Because you're always walking in Faith in that area. So let's keep the shield of Faith up in our arms. So the devil knows what he's up against