Is it FALL?
The temperatures here fills like its fall. We go from almost 100 degrees to a high in the upper 60's. Weather sure is crazy. If you look at it our lives are the same way. We are up and the we our down. Our lives are never relaxing or never stops. Why? The devil wants it that way. The devil wants us to be busy and he wants our lives to go up and down. As long as we are living a life of a roller coaster we will never stop and have time for God or the fam. I know this first hand. When I came back to Minnesota I started 2 jobs and I still do have 2 jobs. The difference is that when I started working at the VA and being a pastor. I left no time for my family and hardly anytime for God. My life was like a roller coaster going 100mph. It was heading right towards a brick wall. The marriage was suffering because of it and my walk with God wasn't as strong. I had to make a decision on what's more important to me. See I had to make the decision no one else could but me. I made the decision that every Sat and every evening I will give my family some of my time. If that means that I have to go to bed at midnight then that's when I go. I also got on track and start giving God more the time He deserved to. The thing is the life that I thought was so busy ended up not being to busy at all. I almost have more time now then I did before. God was able to put in a time management plan that made me have more time than I thought I had. The devil wants us to be busy, because as long as we are busy the stress level goes up. We have more health problems. We lose touch with our family and God. So it's time that we make the right choice and spend more time with God and the family. Not in front of the TV either. Get out and enjoy what God has given us. The beauty of His imagination. The great outside. You will be shocked on how much time you have been wasting. God bless.