Tuesday, October 10, 2006

God is Love

People take it for granted what we see and have. God's love and image is all around us. God's image is everything that you see that is pure and holy. The leaves on the trees, rocks, water, animals. These are all made in his image. That's why when Christ comes back that everything that is here is going to call out to God. The biggest image of God that we can see is our selves and our kids and everyone around us. The sad thing is. That millions of His images have been destroyed every year through abortions. I was never for abortions and I fill deeply sorry for those that do them, because they will be accountable for all those deaths when they die. Even the one's that support abortions will accountable for the deaths. I wasn't really sure how they did the procedures, or even how bad they are. I'm making a video for our kid take over of the main service and I needed a picture of an abortion clinic. Well I ran upon a video. It really sickened me so deeply. I can't believe that people can actually do those things. Then I went to another video where they showed a women actually having an abortion at the 26th week. It was truly horrible. These people have to have a harden heart. These people are no different in my eyes as Hitler was. He killed millions of Jews. These people are killing millions of humans also. The sad thing is that the government doesn't look at it that way. I read a couple of interviews with nurses that used to work at abortion clinics. One stuck into my mind very deeply. She said that she had just started at the clinic. She needed money and they were willing to higher her. A lady came in at the 26th week of her pregnancy to get an abortion. She says there is 3 stages for an abortion at that time. First the put in some tubes by her cervix to stretch it out. So she would start dilating. The next day she would come back and get bigger tubes put in. The third day they would go inside with a vacuum and start taking it out. The sad thing was that this lady didn't want an abortion. Her husband and her parents did. See she had found out that the baby had down syndrome. The lady cried and screamed so much that they had to drug her to keep her quite. That was the last day that nurse ever worked at the place. She had always thought the baby was dead before they did those procedure. She found out that day when they did the ultra-sound to see what position the baby was in that it still had a heart beat. It's time for us Christians to start standing up for the ones that can't make a decision. For them that can't speak out. Here's that web address of the first video that I saw. Abortion. This video is graphic. So maybe watch it first without any children around. It is very good though. It opens your eyes to what actually happens. Everyone have a blessed day. God Bless.