Thursday, October 05, 2006

Update on Prayer Request

Thank you all who have been praying for my friend's daughter Jessica, who is three years old and has a severe head/possible brain injury. The doctors released her from the hospital this evening with a plan for the parents to watch her for the next ten days to guard for signs of worsening. The CT scans didn't show signs of things getting worse or better but today she was finally able to eat and keep the food down. This is a good sign that her body is trying to heal itself, but they will need to still watch for any problems that could be more serious. Please continue to keep her in your prayers for the next 10 days or so and if I hear anymore news I will share it with you then. Thanks again for your prayers for this sweet child and her family. God is surely doing a miracle here and using it for his glory for those who do not know him or are not walking with him. As well for those in the faith, He is strengthening the belief that we are to pray fervently and it avails much. God answers prayer. Thanks again.
In Christ,

Glory be to God. She is well on her way to a full recovery without any complications. Thanks for all who have prayed and are still continuing praying. God does answer prayers, and does heal the hurting. Glory be to God.