Saturday, September 30, 2006

Hunting Opener

Well today is the first day to the duck season. It was an awesome one. Within the 1st hour we had our limit on the wood duck. Which was sad if they didn't have a limit we could have easily have shot 15-20 more wood ducks. God blessed us this day. Well that's about it for tonite. Finishing up my sermon and tomorrow is our anniversary picnic. Our church has been around now for 7 years. Glory be to God. Everyone have a great weekend.

Friday, September 29, 2006

The Glory of God

This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. I wake up everyday rejoicing before the Lord thanking Him for a wonderful day. That is so important for us Christians to start the day on the right foot and that's Gods foot. If you start on His foot then surely you'll walk His path for the day. Even though the devil might try to tempt you to do certain things. When you walk in God's light the devils darkness will not enter. I was thinking today at work while I was hole punching paper. I will tell you hole punching paper isn't the job to go to college for. I have to hole punch all the death file summaries. Incase you are now wondering why a pastor is doing this job. I have two jobs. I work full-time at the VA medical center and part-time/full-time with Brighter Days Family Church. Yes my life is busy but it's God's business. Well back to my thinking. I was thinking what an imagination our Heavenly Father has. Just to think inside my wife's little belly there is a child that is growing. That was formed from on egg and one swimmer. To think that from those 2 things that billions of cells will form into everything that make us. When those cells are forming they already know there place in the body. Which is totally amazing. That's why I can't understand why people think we come from monkeys and that we all were formed from a big bang. Yah right! It is totally God's love and imagination that shines from a pregnant women's face. That's why people can tell when a women is pregnant sometimes, because of that glow. Just to think that God specially made us to who we are. We are perfect the way we are. Every morning when I get up and look at myself in the mirror. I tell myself a few things. I first tell myself that I am beautiful and perfectly made. I also tell myself that I van do what ever God tells me to do today, and I'm going to turn the lives around towards Jesus. Like I said before it is important to start the day on the right foot. I hear people saying that they are ugly and to fat or even to tall or to short. All they are saying is that God made a mistake. God has made you to be the person you are. Not some other person. If God wanted you t be someone else then you would look like that other person. Talk like that person. Act like that person. You would be that person. Some say I don't know the calling on my life I don't know what God wants me to do. Those same person never spends any quality time with God. They never talk to God. They never read His word. Because if you are into God then you'll be thinking His thoughts and walking and doing what He wants you to do. Not all of us have been called to be preachers, but all of us have been called to spread the word of God. Remember when you were in your mothers womb. God was putting a gift and a plan in your heart. He has called you to be who you are. He has called you to be bold in His word. He has called you to spread the gospel through out the world. This is the day that the Lord has made, so let's rejoice and be glad. Let's not waste this day that the Lord has given us by complaining about who we are. Or our jobs that we work. Which God has given to us. Let us not just sit down in front of the TV and fill our brains with junk. Let this day be filled with God's presence and His word. Everyone have a great and safe weekend. Let God fill your weekend with His love and presences. God Bless

Thursday, September 28, 2006

God is Always Here!!!

It says in the Bible that God will never leave you or forsake you. He's always going to be there when you're having fun and in trouble. Even when you make mistakes He still calls you son or daughter. So why is it that we are afraid to call Him Father to the one's around us? We have a Father that is sooooo proud of us in everything that we do. Even when we mess up He is always there to give us a hug no matter what. So why are we not hugging Him back. Some people long to have a relationship that can not be broken. So why are we not longing after Him. We are so busy in our lives to even bother talking to a Father that loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die on the cross for us. It says in the Bible in the last days that our lives are going to get busier and busier. That's no shock to God because it's written in the good book. That does not give us an excuse not to talk and love Him back. All God wants is for us to give Him our all. To do the things that He wants us to do. Just like any parent wants. He wants the best for our lives. But we fight tooth and nails to do our own things and do them our way. To find out that our ways are not the right ones. To find out that we really messed things up. The thing is. He's right there waiting with His arms opened up to give us a big hug. I think it's time that we start to treat God as a real Father. When kids grow up they try there hardest to impress there Father's. It's time for us to impress our Heavenly Father. When we seek after His ways great things will happen. We will have peace, health, wisdom, knowledge, and finances. These things will follow when we follow Him. So instead of watching that TV or spending time do nothing. Stop what you're doing and start talking to God as your Father. He's been waiting for that conversation from you. He wants you and only you. Give Him your all and blessings will follow. When you give him your all that means that you are giving up your thoughts, wants, knowledge, and plans. Because when you give up your life to God then God will give His thoughts, His wants, His knowledge, and His plans for you life. Also all of you that wanted people to pray for. We are going to keep praying for you until we hear a praise report. If any need any prayer here after. Just leave a comment and us Christian bloggers will pray for you and God will heal you. God Bless.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Enough is Enough

I think it's time to say this is enough devil we are not going to take anymore from you. There has been more and more reports of sickness between Christians. Now it's time for us to take a stand. It's time for us to put the devil were he belongs. We are letting him win over something that Jesus had died for over 2000 years ago. So why are we taking it. We are not supposed to get sick. We are not supposed to have cancer or any other disease. Jesus already took it upon Him when He was on the cross. Every whip upon His body. Every drop of blood was for all our sicknesses. It says in James 5:14-16 Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of FAITH shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. I know that some elders hear the word cancer or sickness and they in there hearts have already given up on you. That's why it also says that we need to pray for one another. It says in Mark 11:23-26. That we have faith to move mountains. We need faith a size of a mustard seed. The mustard seed is very small one of the smallest. When it gets done growing it's size is about 6 feet tall and about 6 feet wide. The more you use your faith and stand on it the bigger it becomes. When we pray we need to give it our all. It's not a prayer that you go before God and whisper the prayer. I will tell you right now that the devil isn't afraid of a little whisper. But when you shout to God with a voice of triumph the devil shivers. We need to pray to God with authority that we have in Him. You need to pray like you mean business. When those words come out of your mouth it needs to have power and confidence behind it. That when you say it you mean it and you won't fall from it. One of the biggest things that I hear from people is that when they get sick is. If God wants me healed He will heal me. That is the biggest hog wash. Where in the Bible does it say that? It doesn't. If it did then Jesus blew have of His ministry healing all that were sick. It's the devil that wants you sick. The devil has come to kill, steal, and destroy. By Jesus has come to give life and give it more abundantly. So why do we let the devil convince us that it was God that gave us the illness and it's up to Him to heal us. Like I said before God already sent His only Son that we would never be sick or hurt in our hole lives. This is the time that we need to remember the devil that he is nothing to us. That we have all the power that Jesus has plus some more. That we have all authority. When we say that cancer has to leave it has to leave. No questions asked it's gone. The big thing is that we need to have faith. That means that when we pray we mean it and stand ontop of it. Don't let the devil tell you that he or she isn't healed because you don't have the authority or the power to heal. Remember he's a liar he can't tell the truth. After praying for the sickness to be gone then start thanking God for that healing everytime you think about it. The more you thank God for the more power that is with it. The devil can't touch that stuff. Also remember one huge thing. Who's report do you believe? Do you believe the world's report, that says you're sick? Or do you believe in God's report that says you are healed by the blood of Jesus. I believe in God's report. Also some might ask about the oil. If it has to be special oil or not. Use whatever oil that you have handy. All that matters is that you're using it in the right way. God knows your heart and he'll honor that. I would say use whatever oil that you have. Anointing the sick person with the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. If you've never seen this done at all. Just make a cross motion on the forehead while saying the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. I'm tired of the devil making people sick. It's because the devil wants to hurt people's lives. He knows if he hurts people's lives then they might fall away from Jesus. So this is it. This is the time and place to say it is enough. Let's tell the devil that we are not going to have it anymore. As Christian bloggers let's stand together in one ness. Standing and praying with each other that the one that are sick are healed. The through these healings that God will be Glorified. So if you know someone that is sick with anything. Or have a injury. In the comments below just state there first name and there sickness. And all that read this blog will come together in one accord with you that they will be healed. Now all that read this let's get down and dirty. Let's pray harder then we have ever have. Let's keep these names fresh in our minds and our spirits always lifting them up in prayer. God bless.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Kids will be Kids

Well this weekend went way to quick. We decided to auctioning on Saturday. It was a nice rainy day. Which turned out to be pretty nice. Since know one in there right might would be out there in the 50's and in rain. So it was a bidders paradise. Well while at a church auction our son Jacob was jumping in some water puddles. Next thing we know he had fallen into one of those puddles. So we told him to get up and his left side was all wet. He wasn't to happy about that. So we told him to stand by us. I forgot to tell you that he is 2 years old. Almost 3. Next month he'll turn 3. Well back to the story. So we're paying attention on what's being auctioned off. About 5 to 10 minutes later I look down to see what he was doing. He was way to quite and calm. So when I looked down he was letting the air flow. He had his pants pulled all the way down to his ankles. Just enjoying the breeze. Needless to say I wasn't enjoying that same enjoyment that he was. I told him to pull them up. Well he didn't want to right away. By the time he pulled them up there were a couple of people now staring at us. I can just picture God up in Heaven laughing. Luckily we didn't know anybody there. So the embarrassment didn't last to long. We didn't stay that much longer after that. That's one more story to tell his future wife. I can't wait for that day. It will be prefect pay back time. Or maybe I'll wait until he's married that way I know that she won't leave him. Well I better go here. Just thought I would drop a quick blog. Everyone have a blessed day.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The weather is changing

Well it's a cold rainy day today. It's nice weather to sit in front of the fire place and relax. Read a book perhaps. To bad I don't have a fire place. To bad I don't have time to relax. Well there goes that idea. It's amazing how seasons come and go. Our lives to are like a season. Remember when you were a small child. Looking up at your dad or mom and say wow they are sure tall. Even the cars we rode in seemed huge. Then came teenage years when all we cared about is the pimples on our faces and what boy or girl to impress. Then when graduation hit. We wondered what to do. All we new is that we needed job and a job quickly if we haven't had one already. Now here we are all grown up. With families of our own and our kids thinking the same things that we thought. Our Christian lives are the same way. We start off knowing very little. We new just enough to make ourselves dangerous to the devil. But the more we got into the word the more grown up we became. Next thing we new we were adults again. The thing with God's word is that you can be a baby for you hole life. If you never feed your spirit it will never grow. I've seen 10 year olds that were more grown spiritually then a person that was 40. Then adults wonder why so and so is getting blessed by God and they aren't. Well the people that get blessed are blessing others and growing in God's word. Remember God isn't going to give you something that you can't handle. So if you never grow in God's word then God will give you child like responsibilities. If you read God's word and you grow in God's word then God will give you more and more responsibilities. Then you'll have more and more blessings. So that's why we need to read God's word. It's not to look important or that you have to. You should want to. You should long for that time of day that you get to grow up in God's word. So instead of putting that TV on. Stop open the Bible and start growing up. God Bless.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

How to be FULL of Love!!!

Some people wonder how to be happy. So they look for worldly things. The more money I make the more happy I'll be. The bigger house that I have the happier I'll be. Or I'll just get an expensive car that'll make me happy. I'll just get married and that will truly make me happy. If all those things make us happy. Then why are so many people unhappy. Why are people taking depression pills. Committing suicide, and getting divorces. The big kicker is why are there so many people 100 of thousands of dollars in debt. Most people are kidding themselves. Look at the CEO's of big companies. Yes they're making a lot of money. But they don't have a family. That's because they have to work 15 hours a day to keep there job. When they could be working at McDonald's and have a family and be the most happiest person on earth. Money is the root of all evil. People kill, lie, cheat, and worship money. Thinking that true happiness is going to come from it. Money and any other worldly possessions will never make you happy. The only thing that can make you happy is the Father of love Himself our Heavenly Father God. It states it right there in the Bible God is Love, and Love is God. Which means the more you read the word of God which is love. That's right God's word is love. Why you might ask. Well if God is love, the only things that He speaks has to be love. It's that simple. His word will fill you with love. Humans can only make you happy some of the time, but God can and will make you happy all of the time. The more we get into God's word the stronger we become in God's love. Why is God's love so important? When you get into God's love which is His word then your faith gets built up. God's love will give you the power and authority to conquer all things. If you have sicknesses or financial hardships His love will make you a conqueror in these things. Remember greater is He that is within us than he who is in the world. If your going through tough storms in your life, get into God's word. Remember the story about Jesus walking on water during a storm, or even telling the winds to stop. We have that same authority and power to tell our storms in our lives the samething. Either we will walk on it like it's nothing, or we'll just tell it to leave and it will. Remember Peter went out to see Jesus on the sea. He started out just fine then he noticed the storm around him. What happened next he started to sink. Then there was Jesus reaching our His hand and lifting up Peter. If we start to sink Jesus is right there to lift us back up. The thing is if we never read our Bible how is He going to pick us back up. So let's get God's love in us. Let's start making it a point to read God's love book. The more you read it the more full of Him you will become. God Bless.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Who do we TRUST?

How many of us actually trust God to the fullest? We might think we do but we don't. He'll tell us to do something but if it's not convenient enough for us well we just don't do it. It's time to have Abraham's kind of trust. Abraham was willing to kill his one and only son, because God told him to do it. Wow. Could you do that? I know I would have a hard time with it. Most Christians act like they trust God in church, but when they get home it's a different life stile. We complain about not having money or that I'm always sick. We'll say that of course I've prayed about it. But ten minutes later we are complaining about the same things. We put out trust in God one minute at a time. We don't put our hole life on the line. Just our big toe. We think if I lose a little it ain't no big problem. But if I lose a lot well you get the idea. To totally trust in God means that you have to trust in Him with all your life and all your thoughts and dreams. He will become you and you will become Him. It's not going to be easy. We have a thing called the flesh. You might know him as your persuader. He convinces you to do things that you know that you shouldn't be doing. The last thing it wants you to do is to trust in God. It knows if you do that then he'll be losing it's foundation on you. To trust in God means that as soon as God tells you to say, do, go, or whatever He tells you to do. You just do it. Without thinking about it. That's all it takes. That's totally trusting in Him. Just like our own father's here on earth. When we grew up if our daddies told us something we believed them. Even though some of the things weren't the truth. We just had that much trust in our father's that they wouldn't lead us astray. Or our school teachers. If they told us how to do something we would learned it that way. We didn't argue if it was right or not. We learned 1+1=2 no questions asked. So why do we argue with God and His word. Why if He tells us to do something that we try to talk Him out of it. Let me ask you this in closing. What would happen to you if you told your dad that he was a liar? Or maybe that you didn't want to do something that he told you to do? Well I guess you would probably get into a little bit of trouble. So are you wondering why God isn't talking to you? Maybe you should start doing and instead of talking.